DESCRIPTION:Provides services in Asylum and Human Trafficking; Domestic Violence; Estate Planning; Family Law; Guardianship; Immigration; Mediation; Patent; Probate; Tax; Trademark; Expunctions/Non-Disclosures, Driver License Restoration, and Veterans Law. Services are provided at no cost to the client by students as a practical learning opportunity and overseen by attorneys at the Legal Clinics.Assists in Immigration cases such as Naturalization/Citizenship, Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent Resident cards (green cards), Initial application & renewal of Employment Authorization Document cards (work permit), DACA (application for DREAMers), visa applications for domestic violence (VAWA), victims of crime (U-Visa), human trafficking (T-Visa), and Family Visas (including consular processing and adjustments). Removal proceedings for non-detained adults. Asylee/Refugee Adjustments; Affirmative Asylum cases; and Temporary Protected Status (TPS).Cannot help with bankruptcy, consumer, criminal cases, emergency protective orders, govenment benefits (SSI, SSDI, SNAP), personal injury, property tax disputes, traffic tickets, and commercial litigation.
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED:Valid ID and proof of income
ELIGIBILITY:Open to adults who have low income and reside within the service area; Patent and Trademark cases are not income-restricted
LANGUAGES:English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Multi-Language Line available