Hope Disaster Recovery

(Confidential address)


(832) 857-6449 | Main Phone
(832) 857-6449 | Main Phone

Agency Status:Active

ADMINISTRATIVE DESCRIPTION:Provides long term disaster relief to assist communities with recovery. Services may include home repair.


IRS STATUS:Nonprofit - Incorporated

Services offered: (click name line for more detail)

SERVICES | Basic Needs - I
Headquarters 12715 Telge Road
Cypress TX

SERVICES | Basic Needs - II
Headquarters 12715 Telge Road
Cypress TX

SERVICES | Basic Needs - III
Headquarters 12715 Telge Road
Cypress TX

SERVICES | Congregational Disaster Readiness
Main Office
Main Office 12015 Barker Cypress Road
Cypress TX

SERVICES | Disaster Recovery/Home Repair
Main Office
Main Office 12015 Barker Cypress Road
Cypress TX

SERVICES | Veterans Project/Disaster Home Repair
Main Office
Main Office 12015 Barker Cypress Road
Cypress TX

The community resource directory information is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. The United Way of Greater Houston 2-1-1 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service to those in need.